Announcing the Jerusalem Council II In Athens, Greece


Tobi Arayomi

Misael Argeñal

Desmond Austin

Doug Beacham

Matt Beemer

Ricardo Castillo

Mark Chironna

Steve Chong

Florin Cimpean

James O. Davis

Ed & Trish Farrell

Wayland Henderson

Timothy Hill

Abson Joseph

Craig Keener

Tara Korpi

Suliasi Kurulo

Batbold Lkhamsuren

Greg Lyons

Angel E. Marcial

Wayman Ming

Alex Mitala

David Mohan

Peter Mortlock

Urs Daniel Schmid

Daniel Simão

Samuel Smadja

John O. Smith

David Sobrepeñao

Robert Stearns

Carla Sunberg

Leonard Sweet

James Taylor IV

Casey & Wendy Treat

Micah Wood

Steven Ybarrola

Byoungho Zoh

Answering The Top Seven Questions Of Our Time

To Fulfill The Great Commission 

In homage to the First Century Church Fathers who gathered in Jerusalem to discern what the Holy Spirit was saying about sharing the Gospel with the entire world, the Global Church Network is convening “Jerusalem Council II” in August 12-14, 2025, inviting Christian leaders to discuss and discern what the Holy Spirit is saying regarding current world issues toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 


At Jerusalem Council I, less than two decades after Jesus’ resurrection, Jewish followers of Jesus honored His Great Commission by welcoming Gentiles. In Jerusalem Council II, 2000 years after Jesus’ resurrection, the Global Church Network will reaffirm Jesus’ Great Commission and synergize our collective work to more effectively share with all people groups the eternal hope God has made available in Jesus Christ.

The top seven questions include New Maps for a New Millennium, Scripture and the Unknown God, Jesus and Our Humanity, GRAIN (genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, information technology, nanotechnology) and the Church, Christian Entrepreneurship and Global Business, The Call of God for Gen Now and Synergistic Leadership and the Church. 

Limited To 490 Christian Leaders

The Jerusalem Council II will convene at the prestigious Intercontinental Hotel in Athens, Greece. In the spirit of Jesus instructing His disciples to forgive seventy times seven, 490 Kingdom-minded, Christ-centered, and Great Commission-focused leaders will come to wrestle with what the Spirit is saying to the Third Millennium Church. For the final forum, attendees will convene at both the world-famous Acropolis and at Mars Hill in Athens.

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JCII is not a conference but a council. Each of the seven forums will feature one of top seven questions and each of these questions will be prayerfully addressed by a leading keynote presenter followed by lengthy perspectives of discussion, intercessory prayer, progress reports, a few position papers and leadership priorities going forward. During each forum, several world class scribes will captured the essence of all discussion and provide summary papers for all attendees. At the close of JCII, every attendee will have a Third Millennium Church Notebook to take home with them!

What Leaders Are Saying

Dr. Craig Keener: In the Jerusalem Council I, the leaders said, ‘it seemed good to the Spirit and to us’ (Acts 15:28). In the Jerusalem Council II, likewise, global leaders will come with the anticipation of hearing what ‘the Spirit is saying to the Church today.

Dr. Alex Mitala: If you want to know where the Church is going globally and how it will impact you locally, then you should join us at Jerusalem Council II.

Dr. Leonard Sweet: I envision as we come to Jerusalem Council II, the Church is on her knees in repentance, acknowledging her brokenness, seeking wisdom and re-storying. The church has a future precisely because it stays on its knees – not in surrender to the world, but in surrender to God. 

Dr. Carla Sunberg: I am honored to participate in Jerusalem Council II and we are bringing a group of leaders from throughout Eurasia. Make plans to join us!

Dr. David Sobrepeña: I have been apart of the Global Church Network from the beginning. The Jerusalem Council II is where the global church will come together to help save our world.

Dr. James O. Davis: I am praying that those who attend Jerusalem Council II will be encouraged in their Spirit, enlarged in our Faith, and expanded in their Vision. Just as the Gospel went global following the direction of the Holy Spirit at the first Jerusalem Council, at the conclusion of Jerusalem Council II, the Global Church must synergize together to finish the Great Commission.

Traveling To Athens, Greece

Timothy’s Family, a world class travel and tour company in Greece, is partnering with GCN to ensure every attendee has an unforgettable experience at Jerusalem Council II. When you register at you will have the opportunity to book your hotel rooms and to select a tour to Corinth, Philippi, Thessaloniki and others. Timothy’s Family can assist you with air travel, your airport transfers and much more. 

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Jerusalem Council II Leadership Team