What Does One Plus One Equal?
As one torch is passed in China, a “Peace Torch” was passed in Nairobi on August 7 on the 10th anniversary of the US Embassy bombing. East African leaders today are gearing up for next month’s “Best to the Rest” Summit.
Dear World Class Leader,
Visionary Greetings!
Does 1+1 always equal 2? When a man and a woman are married, one plus one can equal 3, 4, 5, 6. Recently a mother in Canada made news when one plus one equaled 18! The way Scripture states it is that one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight. This is what synergy is all about!
More than 100 leaders met with synergistic strategies in Kampala, Uganda, on August 7, during the first leg of the East African Leadership Tour. It is anticipated that the East African Best to the Rest Summit on September 25-26, 2008, will be completely filled by the end of next week.
Network is not the same as teamwork. Dr. Gus Crocker, Cochair/North Africa-Middle East, states, “Networking is multi-teaming and multiple points of interaction.” Often, a networking leader is known at so many points of interaction, that one can reach him or her without even having their business card. The Second Billion Network is becoming a multi-teaming grid that provides easy sharing of the best methods and models for multiplication worldwide. What makes the information powerful is the number of points of interaction where leaders can connect.
Our Lord has created each of us to fulfill God-given destinies. As long as we are faithful, there are not enough critics, gossips or naysayers to stop us. You are not an accident, but an incident! As soon as we copy or mimic someone else, we cease our creative, God-given leadership. Take a minute to think of where you are gifted by God. That is your gift to add to the rest of the Body of Christ. Thank you for using your gift to help the rest of us win the Second Billion!
Network News
Dr. James O. Davis is conducting an East Africa Leadership Tour with Apostle Alex Mitala of Kampala, Uganda and Bishop Peter Njiri of Nairobi, Kenya. Apostle Mitala is the General Overseer of the New Birth Churches, numbering more than 12,000 in Uganda and thousands more throughout the 10-nation region. Bishop Njiri serves as the Chairman of the Assemblies of God Fellowship for East Africa, numbering more than 17,000 churches and also serves at the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Kenya.
Bishop Njiri, Apostle Alex Mitala, Pastor Jackson Mbuthia, Pastor Harris Gichuhi and Dr. Davis over the next seven days will challenge more than 500 key Christian leaders in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda to synergize their efforts together to help fulfill the Great Commission. The East Africa Leadership Tour will cast vision for the upcoming “Best To The Rest Summit” on September 25-26, 2008, in Nairobi, Kenya.
Many leaders wonder whether or not James O. Davis has an identical twin. The answer is YES! Dr. James L. Davis serves as the Vice President of Development at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. In East Africa, for example, leaders find it intriguing to have both brothers. James O. Davis has ministered regularly since 1987 together with Assemblies of God General Superintendent Peter Njiri. For over a decade, James L. Davis has ministered to thousands of leaders throughout East Africa.
Pastoral Coaching
Leaders are readers! We recommend two powerful books for your life and ministry: For United States ministers, David Middlebrook’s wrote Nonprofit Law for Religious Organizations. Every legal question you could encounter is answered in this resource. While serving the Lord, it is important for us to know the legal parameters that surround us. Dr. Elmer Towns, one of the most prolific writers in the Church, has just released Praying the New Testament. Every time I have been with Dr. Towns through our decade of friendship, he has challenged me to believe God for the impossible.
Please continue to pray for the entire Second Billion Team worldwide and prayerfully consider making a generous investment today. Our sowing determines our going! Even though we know that we are more than conquerors, there are many battles to overcome in the months ahead for the Church. Blessings!
Until The Last Person Has Heard,
James O. Davis
COCHAIR/Global Networking