Are You Ready for the Exaflood?


The “Best to the Rest” Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, on September 25-26 is almost filled to capacity! Join us at a “Best to the Rest” Summit soon.


Dear Visionary Leader,

Tropical Storm Fay dropped more than 30 inches (76 cm) of rain on my house last week, until my daughters started looking to see if animals were lining up two by two. At the same time, I was reading about the “Information Flood” that has poured on all of us in the last ten years.

New technologies are dramatically transforming the Internet and could boost Internet Protocol traffic in the United States alone more than 50-fold within the next decade, according to a report by the Discovery Institute (“Estimating the Exaflood: The Impact of Video and Rich Media on the Internet”). When you add the rest of the world, it is a modern day phenomenon.

“Innovations like YouTube, IPTV, high-definition video and mobile phone cameras are driving this new wave of data–or exaflood–of Internet and IP traffic,” said Bret Swanson, an adjunct fellow at the Discovery Institute and co-author of the report. “Many of the new online opportunities we can’t even imagine today.”

Coauthored by Telecosm author George Gilder, the report describes technologies and trends that will drive Internet growth. By 2015, for example, video calling and virtual windows could total 400 exabytes a year. An exabyte is equal to one billion gigabytes, an equivalent of a stack of books more than 200 million miles past the sun. US use alone could equal 1000 exabytes, or one zettabyte, which is one million million billion bytes of data. “As real broadband is deployed, these data tributaries will swell into an exaflood,” wrote Gilder.

The Internet’s first phase was the original research project. The second phase was the e-mail and worldwide web explosion of 1995. Swanson wrote, “Today’s video and rich media surge begins the third phase. It will be bigger than the first two.”

Wise leaders and investors must be aware that the capacity in broadband access networks to homes and businesses must expand by a factor of between 10 and 100 over the next few years, which could total more than $100 billion in the US alone in the next five years.


Network News


In a few weeks, the Best To The Rest Summit in Nairobi, Kenya will convene with pastors and leaders representing all ten East African Nations. Key presentations will be given by Elmer Towns, James O. Davis, Peter Njiri, Alex Mitala, Ademola Ishola, David Sobrepena and Greg Beggs.


Cochair/Unreached People Pastor Suliasi Kurulo baptizes on average more than 100 people per week in his home church in Suva, Fiji, and multiplied thousands more through the more than 1000 churches his congregation has planted in more than 100 nations. The Fiji Model for multiplication starts with the “Five I’s” – Inform, Identify, Involve, Invest, Increase. Pastor Suli teaches us to inform people of what God is doing in the world. We must be willing to identify with people right where they live. We must become involved in the Great Commission and invest into lost people our time, talent and treasure. When we do, the Lord will bring the increase. You can read more on the Fiji Model in upcoming news.

Pastoral Coaching

One of the most important principles that I have learned regarding a person’s decision-making process is, “People buy on emotion and justify with fact.” I hope you will take a few moments to download this week’s communication law and master it. This communication principle is a bedrock for balance in life, but to a preacher and leader, it has far-ranging impact on knowing how to effectively convince your listeners of your biblical viewpoint.

We continue to witness knowledge doubling before our eyes. Remember, truth does not double, but remains the same forever. We are not called to invite people to a concept, but to Christ; not to a principle but a person; not to an axiom, but to the Almighty; not to a commitment but to Christ, the Lord!

Let’s make sure that the whole world knows before it is too late. “The Gospel is only Good News if it makes it there in time.” Blessings!


Until The Last Person Has Heard,

James O. Davis
COCHAIR/Global Networking