Are You On The Road to Ruin?


One of the greatest Missions Conventions in the World will convene on May 3-8, 2009, at Pastor Suliasi Kurulo’s World Harvest Centre in Suva, Fiji. Be sure to watch it live!


Dear Visionary Leader,

As we march into areas where the gospel has never been preached, we have to keep reaching behind, making sure the emerging generation also hears the gospel. We must have a missional circumference.

The Bible gives us a complete life story of a “rich man.” The New Testament shares his early life, mid-life and finally death and after-life.

In Luke 18:17-23, the “rich man” is confronted by the Lord. In Luke 12:15-20, we see his career in life. He was more interested in crops than Christ, gold more than God. He provided for himself, but not for his soul.

In Luke 16:19-31, finally, the rich man is in captivity with the lost. The rich man lacked one thing: salvation. The rich man loved one thing: money. The rich man lost one thing: heaven. He went from ruling, to ruin to remorse. He went from happiness, to hardness to hell. He walked down the road to ruin. He evaded the Lord for an easier road which resulted in being eternally lost. The road to ruin has a dead end.



This world is filled with those “who have” and those
“who have not.” There was a prosperous man who lived in “continuous party” and a poor man who lived in
“constant poverty.” Our passage describes the poor man as:

disabled—“laid at the rich man’s gate”
diseased—“full of sores”
deprived—“desiring to be fed crumbs”
destitute—“dogs licked his sores”



“The beggar died…the rich man also died.” Our life is quickly passing away. Whatever we do for Christ, let’s do now! Our lives will soon be over. Take life seriously and use time wisely. Someone has said:

I have only just a minute;
Just sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me I can’t refuse it.
It’s left up to me just how to use it.
I must suffer if I lose it.
Give an account if I abuse it.
Just a tiny little minute but eternity is in it!

It is possible for a person to have a more expensive watch than we do, but he or she does not have any more time than we do. We cannot save time. We cannot borrow time. We cannot loan time. We cannot leave time. We cannot take time. We cannot stop time. We cannot store time, stretch time or share time. All you can do is either use time or lose time.


Network News


On May 11-13, the “Lion’s Roar” men’s conference convenes in Dallas, Texas. For eighteen months, Paul Cole, the president of the Christian Men’s Network and CoChair/Servant Ministries has conducted the Global MoMENtum Tour worldwide. More than one million men have been trained through the Majoring in Men curriculum. At Lion’s Roar 2009, Dale Bronner (Atlanta), Eddy Leo (Jakarta), and Robert Barriger (Lima, Peru) will bring visionary keynote presentations to men coming from around the world. Join us!


Each year at this time, Pastor Suliasi Kurulo, founding pastor of World Harvest Centre and CoChair / Oceania / Unreached Peoples, conducts his annual Global Missions Convention in Suva, Fiji. More than 8,000 pastors, leaders and laity attend, not including the national television and Internet audiences. This annual missions convention has become the largest event in Fiji each year. Over the last eleven years, World Harvest Centre has planted more than 1,100 churches in more than 100 nations.


The Billion Soul Network has grown to include more than 450 Christian organizations in nearly 200 nations. With the anticipated growth, the network is expected to more than double in less than 24 months. If you are interested in joining this growing network, then simply write to


Pastoral Coaching

There are times we have to remind our congregation of the after-life for those who die lost without Christ.



In some parts of the world, it is not popular to speak about the halls of Hell. Jesus spoke twice as much about Hell as He did Heaven. Jesus said that it would be better for a person to lose an eye or hand rather than to allow these members of the body to become instruments of sin that would lead him or her to Hell. Jesus also taught that the ultimate punishment is outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Several years ago, I heard Dr. David Sobrepena, founding Pastor of World of Hope and CoChair/East Asia/Church Planting say, “Our role is smaller than our goal.” Each of us have a part in God’s heart. No single organization or ministry will be able to complete the Great Commission alone.

Every sermon we preach, every song we sing, every service we offer in our community, is to be viewed through an eternal lens. The business of the Church is to “win” the lost, “build” disciples and “send” Christians to a lost and dying world.

Each weekend, more than five million messages are preached throughout the earth in local churches. Can you imagine if ten people came to Christ in every local church in the month of May? Even though each of us have a role, collectively we can achieve God’s goal that every one hear the Gospel in our lifetime. Let’s preach this Sunday like we are addressing the last soul we will ever win!


Until The Last Person Has Heard,

James O. Davis
COCHAIR/Global Networking