We continue our study on “reflections over ridicule.” Third, I want you to consider the company that you are you in. Jesus was also scorned. And the servant is not better than his master. Let me give you some verses today that ought to break your heart and encourage you at the same time.
In Mark 5:40, Jesus Christ is getting ready to perform one of his most notable miracles. Every time I read this I can hardly believe that it literally happened, but I know it did because it’s in the Bible. The text says, “and they laughed him to scorn.” Who? Jesus. They laughed him to scorn. They laughed in the face of the Son of God.
In Luke 22:63, our Lord Jesus Christ is in the hands of the soldiers. We read, “And the men that held Jesus mocked Him and smote Him.” And I believe with all of my heart that it was easier for Jesus to take the fisticuffs and easier for him to take the clubs that beat upon his head than it was to take that laughter and that ridicule in his face. They mocked him. And they smote him.

In Luke 23:35, we read, “And the people stood beholding and the rulers also with them, derided him, saying, ‘he saved others, let him save himself if he’d be the Christ, the Son of God.'” Do you know what that word “derided” means? It means they ridiculed him. They laughed at him. They scorned him. Look in verse 36, “And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him and offering him vinegar.” We must not allow the devil laugh us out of a work for God.
Fourth, we need to consider the compensation that you’re going to get for being laughed at. The Lord’s going to pay you. Don’t you worry about it. Jesus said in Matthew 5:11,“men will persecute you and revile you, and say all matter of evil against you, falsely for His namesake, just rejoice and be exceeding glad.” If people laugh at you all day, you just go home and laugh all night. You just rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Jesus said, “Great is our reward in heaven.”
Last, I want you to consider the conclusion of the whole matter. You know what we say- he who laughs last. He who laughs last has the best laugh. Who’s going to have the last laugh? You say the Church. No. God Himself. God Himself. You can laugh your way right into hell, but you can’t laugh your way out. I’m going to tell you something else. It is God, not man, that will have the last laugh.
Thomas Payne, the old skeptic and infidel, asked Benjamin Franklin, “Ben, what do you think of my book – The Age of Reason?” It was a book that ridiculed the Christian faith. You know what Ben Franklin said to Tom Payne? He says, “Tom, when a man spits against the wind, he spits in his own face.”
Agathon was a young Roman. He had a boyhood friend name Julian. And Agathon and Julian grew up together and they played together. But Julian grew up to be the emperor of Rome. He was known as the apostate emperor. He was cruel and he hated Christ and Christians. Julian did all he could do to put down Christianity.
One day after both men were grown, Julian met Agathon. And Julian trying to taunt Agathon for his faith, said to Agathon, “Agathon, how is the carpenter of Nazareth doing these days?” “Is he getting plenty of work? Is there enough work for your carpenter to keep him busy?” Agathon said, “Yes, Julian. The carpenter is getting plenty of work. And today he’s nailing together a coffin to put your empire in.” He served to be a prophet for in two years, Julian was slain by the Persians and his empire was crumbling.
I want to tell you it is God who will get the last laugh. You just consider the conclusion of the whole thing. Whenever you’re ridiculed, just consider some things. Why you’re being ridiculed? Whose doing the ridiculing? Who along with you is being ridiculed? What is God going to pay you for being ridiculed? What is the conclusion of the whole matter? We must not let anybody laugh us out of a work for God.