Dear Visionary Leader,
Jesus did not come to save a percentage of the world, but to bring salvation to every person on this planet. We need a surge of more than one million, young, God-called ministry leaders who will advance the Gospel further than in any previous generation.
One-Million New Young Missional Ministers
Recently, Dr. Michael Knight, Founder of Never Before Project and CoChair/Global Coaching, Dr. Len Sweet, Founder of Spirit Venture Ministries and CoChair/Social Media and I hosted a National Youth Leaders Summit in Orlando, Florida. The Global Church Network is creating onramps for the next generation of young leaders to become missionally involved in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
During our meetings I stated, “We have Interstate 95, which runs from Miami to Maine. However, it does not matter how great your interstate is, if there are no onramps for people to actually get on the highway. It does not matter how excellent one might think his/her organization may be, if there are no open doors to people (particularly the young), to step through to become involved in the ministry.”
Dr. Len Sweet stated, “I have never really been very excited about the transformation movement. Transformation is the result of an outside force bringing change to a culture. Whereas, Jesus does the work on the inside first rather than the outside. We need a transfiguration movement; not a transformation movement.”
The Global Church Network has set a God-sized goal of creating enough onramps for one million young leaders, who are called into full-time ministry to become involved in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by 2030. Dr. Michael Knight is providing phenomenal leadership in this visionary initiative for young leaders. More information will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead.
Mount Everest Church Planting Summit

Dr. David Sobrepena, Founder of Word of Hope
Church, Manila, Philippines and CoChair/East Asia,
and Rev. Bishwa dev Khadka, CoChair/Nepal, hosted more than 100 church planters at the base of Mount Everest. Most of the church planters hiked one to two days in order to get to the summit.
Dr. Sobrepena stated: “We started training Pastors & Church Planters in Salleri, the Capital Town of the Mt.Everest area. It took us 12 hours of arduous/ torturous treacherous ride on Bishwa’s 4×4 to get here! It’s exciting because over 120 Pastors & leaders from different denominations and organization came with enthusiasm. Many who came hiked as least 1 or 2 days
from different towns & villages. Apparently this is the first they gathered for this purpose. Most of the participants, about 70% are Tibetans or Sherpas tribe. They have conveyed the need for a short term Bible School for Church Planters. Most cannot go to Kathmandu. The Lord willing we will start one.

In June, Mr. Bruce Buckingham, Executive Director of the GlobalHubs of Christianity, will be training the hub leaders for the seven hubs of Nepal. These hubs will serve to equip pastors and churchplanters throughout the nation and region. In July, Rev. John Smith, General Superintendent of the Guyana Assemblies of God and CoChair/Guyana, will lead a Caribbean Delegation of leader to further provide additional training for church planters.
The Global Ireland Summit
On June 17-18, 2019, pastors and leaders from both Northern & Southern Ireland will converge in Dublin, Ireland. Pastor Nick Park, Founder of Solid Rock Church and CoChair/Ireland and I are looking forward to hosting this summit. Our prayer is that a great, Global Dublin Hub will be launched for future training of pastors for years to come. 
The speakers include:
- Pastor Tunde Adedebayo-Oke– Has served in various capacities in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Currently, he is the Regional Pastor and Country Coordinator of RCCG in the Republic of Ireland. RCCG is one of the fastest growing denominations today in more than 130 countries.
- Pastor Sean Mullarkey– Pastor of St Mark’s Church since 2004 and National Superintendent of Assemblies of God in Ireland. The Assemblies of God is the largest denomination in the world with nearly 400,000 churches.
- Pastor Arno Van der Knaap– Lead Pastor of GOD Centre Leiden, one of the fastest growing churches in Holland averaging about 1,000 each weekend. He is known for his passion and enthusiasm. His desire is that every person may discover that he or she is “God’s Original Design” and that they will live their God-given dream.
- Pastor Nick Park– Founded the Solid Rock Church in 1994. He serves as the National Bishop of the Church of God in Ireland, Executive Director of Evangelical Alliance Ireland, and is the author of ten books. He holds a Master of Theology degree in Applied Theology from the University of Liverpool.
- Pastor David Sobrepena– Founder of Word of Hope in Manila, Philippines. He founded the church30 years ago. Each weekend Word of Hope averages approx. 60,000 and is one of the strongest churches in the world today.
- Dr. James O. Davis-Founder of the Global Church Network, comprising 2,650 different denominations and 665,000 churches. He is prolific writer and considered one of the leading networkers of this generation.
- Rev. Ejaz Nabie-Lead Pastor of Faith Assembly if Queens, New York. Under his leadership, Faith Assembly has nearly doubled in size in the last five years.
The introduction of Christianity in Ireland dates to sometime before the 5th century, presumably in interactions with Roman Britain. Christian worship had reached pagan Ireland around 400 AD. It is often misstated that St. Patrick brought the faith to Ireland, but it was already present on the island before Patrick arrived.

Saint Patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British
C hristian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”, he is the primary patron saint of Ireland. The dates of Patrick’s life cannot be fixed with certainty, but there is broad agreement that he was active as a missionary in Ireland during the fifth century. Nevertheless, as the most recent biography on Patrick shows, a late fourth-century date for the saint is not impossible. Early medieval tradition credits him with being the first bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, and they regard him as the founder of Christianity in Ireland, converting a society practicing a form of Celtic polytheism. He has been generally so regarded ever since, despite evidence of some earlier Christian presence in Ireland.
Regardless, of the exact timeframe of Saint Patrick’s life, we pray to the Lord of the Harvest to raise up missional, visionary leaders, who will take the glorious Gospel of Christ to places where the Good News is heard often and to places where the name of Christ has never been heard in the last 2,000 years!
Until the Last Person Has Heard,
Dr. James O. Davis
Global Church Network
CoChair / Global Networking