Dear Visionary Leader:
“Africa shall be saved!” I use to hear Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke shout these words. I remember joining him for a Abuja Crusade with 700,000 plus in attendance, where he said, “With the Lord’s help, I will paint Africa with the blood of Jesus Christ.” Without any doubt, for more than 50 years, he possessed a vision and love for the entire continent of Africa to come to Christ. 
Last week, Dr. Philip Kitoto, Kenya General Superindent of the Assemblies of God, and I hosted a FINISH Africa Summit Executive Planning Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The Kenya Assemblies of God has more than 3,000 churches in Kenya and tens of thousands of churches throughout Africa. On September 1-3, 2020, Dr. Kitoto and I will host the FINISH Africa Summit, where 8 to 10 leaders from every nation will be invited to attend to focus on what it will take to complete the Great Commission in Africa by 2030. We are approaching the 2000th birthday of the Church in 2029/2030. The 2000th birthday of the Church will either be the grandest celebration or a gruesome condemnation. We will celebrate if we can express with confidence that the Great Commission is close to its completion or will feel condemnation that the Church is 2000 years old and yet the task is still not done!
As we move forward, Rev. Ejaz Nabie, Lead Pastor of Faith Assembly, Queens, New York, Rev. David Highlander, Lead Pastor of Calvary Assembly, Hampton, Virginia, Rev. Bernard Fuller, New Song Church, greater Washington DC area, and Dr. Alex Mitala, Founder of New Birth Fellowship, Kampala, Uganda will partner with us in the execution of of East Africa, South Africa, West Africa and Central Africa respectively. We are building an awesome team.
The FINISH Africa Summit will consist of six major plenary sessions focused on: Find, Intercede, Network, Invest, Send and Harvest. We expect approximately 500 leaders to synergize their efforts together, from every major denominational stream of Christianity, to mobilize the Body of Christ to advance forward to the remaining unreached people groups. This will be an invitation only summit. Speakers and summit location will be announced soon.
Every Church leader who attends the FINISH Africa Summit, will be given access to the Global ChurchLearning Center ( www.GCLC.tv), consisting of more than 180 training courses taught by key leaders from around the world.
Additionally, these attendees will be given authority to make this premier training available to their respective denominations or organizations. Furthermore, one of the major long-lasting goals of the FINISH Africa Summit is the launching of a Global HUB throughout every African nation. A Global Hub synergizes the best relationships, systematizes the best training, and strategizes for the unreached people. There are currently more than 90 such Hubs throughout the Global Church Network( www.Billion.tv).
I encourage you to pray for Africa. Here are six strategic areas of prayer:
All The Nations: Our Lord desires for every tongue, tribe and nation to stand before the throne of God. We believe the goal is everyone and yet everyone cannot be achieved without the Body of Christ synergizing their efforts together. Pray for every nation!
Faith To Finish: Any worthy goal worth starting is also worthy of finishing. The Great Commission that began at the Mount of Olives nearly two thousand years ago is intended to be completed. We have enough money, men and women, methods and models. We need enough motivation to get it done! Pray for tenacity to finish!
Revival Throughout The Continent: We need a sweeping, weeping and reaping revival throughout Africa. Our Lord is outpouring the Holy Spirit and performing the miraculous throughout the African nations. Many missional leaders believe it is possible for Africa to become the first Christian continent by 2035. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
Instruction of Church Planters: The Church will need tens of thousands of new church planters throughout Africa. These new churches will need to be located among the unreached peoples. This will not be easy! Pray for the finest training to be developed and deployed!
Commitment To The Commission: We are entering a season where it is not enough to commit only to grow our respective organizations without a plan to also finish the Great Commission. We must be willing to move past ego and logo and get to “we-go.” Pray for humility and teachability!
Advance The Gospel: We cannot spell, “good,” “God” or “Gospel” without spelling the word, “go.” We are called and compelling to go the least, lost and the last. For too long, we have focused mostly on the easy places but now are compelled to go to the hard places. Pray for courage to go to the hardest places!
I encourage us to move from the short look to the long look, embracing who the Lord is raising up worldwide. This is the Church’s grandest moment in time!
Until The Last Person Has Heard,
Dr. James. O. Davis
Global Church Network
Cochair / Global Networking