October Prayers for the Unreached!

  1. FIND – Ask that God will draw the unreached to himself by the work of the Spirit, and simultaneously to connect them with a Christian witness (John 6:44). Pray for a connection.

  2. INTERCEDE – Ask that the Holy Spirit will show them the hope only in Christ, and convict them of their sinfulness and guide them into all truth (John 16:8-11). Pray for illumination and conviction.

  3. NETWORK – Ask that God will place others around them who are also searching for truth, and connect them with agents of the good news. Pray for hunger in their kinship groups for spiritual meaning.

  4. INVEST – Pray that different mission efforts will be funded, and coalesce to confirm God’s word to the unreached, speaking the same truth, resulting in true repentance and saving faith (Acts 3:19; Ephesians 2:8-9). Pray for resources.

  5. SEND – Pray that a fresh wave of mission fervor will arise in the church. Ask God to send us to those who desire to know God (2 Chronicles 15:4; Acts 17:27). Pray for synergy – a ripe harvest and ready workers in the same season.

  6. HARVEST – Ask God for a global harvest of a billion souls in one glorious decade. That the radically unsaved and unreached will sing around the earth, the song of salvation, and the earth will resound with the joy of an army of new converts (John 1:12; John 5:24; Acts 16:31), all confessing Jesus, the Christ, as Lord (Romans 10:9-10).