What is Evangelism?

What is evangelism? Over the decades I have been asked this question. It is hard to believe but some leaders have many different definitions and descriptions. It is amazing that some many Christian leaders love to celebrate the baby Jesus at His birth with the angels, but not the grownup Jesus who said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel”

Evangelism is God loving the world so much that He sent His only son.

Evangelism is Jesus weeping over a doomed, Gospel rejecting Jerusalem.

Evangelism is Moses’ prayer: “Lord, forgive them, or blot me from your book.”

Evangelism is David writing, “The zeal of the thy house has eaten me up.”

Evangelism is, “Isaiah’s surrender to God, “Lord, here am I, send me!”

Evangelism is Paul’s desire to be damned, that his brethren might be saved.

Evangelism is Martin Luther praying, “No, I won’t let you go until you give me Germany.”

Evangelism is John Knox interceding: “Give me Scotland or I die.”

Evangelism is the only reason you and me are saved today.

Evangelism is sharing Christ whenever you can, where you are, with whoever you are with.

Evangelism is alway turning to the question: “But what about Jesus?

Evangelism is the measure of how great a threat your faith is to Satan’s kingdom.

Evangelism is the difference between “life-boat and show boat Christanity.

Evangelism is realizing you may be the first or last Christian between anyone and hell fire.

Evangelism is the executioner of the self-life, the labor room of the new birth, and the incubator of the new creation, and the midwife that births the saints.

Evangelism is seeking out the lost sheep, not expecting them to find the shepherd.

Evangelism is is bringing in the sheaves, not expecting them to harvest themselves.

Evangelism is obeying Jesus Christ’s commandment to every Believer to “go out into the hedges and highways, and compel lost souls to come in.”

Evangelism is going out and compelling them to come in “so that my house might be full.”

If we fail to evangelize that we will fossilize. If we do not grow and go, we will dry and die. I challenge you to pray for your nation with specificity. Research to find out the population and then by faith ask the Lord to give you a harvest!

The Church is headed to the FINISH Line. We are running this race together. Let’s stand not in the wasted circle or the whiners circle, but in the winning circle. Blessings.