This philosophy does not mean that one has to surrender his or her uniqueness in Christ or doctrinal distinctive in order to network for compounding results. In such a scenario, we retain our uniqueness, but do not care who gets the credit as long as God gets the glory.
We will achieve this through a five-layer strategy authored by Dr. Paul Walker of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee:
1. To provide relationship-building opportunities for the fulfillment of the Great
2. To promote shared resources for Kingdom-minded leaders worldwide.
3. To publish current research for successful evangelism and church planting.
4. To prepare strategic recommendations for global partners.
5. To produce reports measuring the progress of the Billion Soul Initiative.
God is aligning His forces around the world for the greatest evangelism thrust in Church history. Dr. Ademola Ishola, General Secretary of the Nigeria Baptist Convention in Abuja, Nigeria, and CoChair/West Africa states, This is the first time that the Global Church is being mobilized together to finish the Great Commission.”
“I knew from our first meetings,” states Dr. Jack Hayford, “that this partnership would be more than just a cohort of like-minded leaders who hoped to make some difference in the world. This has grown into one of the most embracing missional partnerships representing the diversity of the Body of Christ in church history…. We agree we must, together, find ways to understandably share the Good News with and to serve these for who Jesus died and rose again! It blesses me when I see our brothers and sisters as the Bride of Christ respond to the clarion call to be ready for the return of Jesus through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.”