I have heard people say, “The church is on its way out.” No, sir. Jesus called the church out. Jesus has sent the church out. And, soon He’s coming to take the church out. The grandest organization on the face of this earth is a Spirit-filled, New Testament, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, soul-winning, worshipping, praising Church.
The Global Church is growing faster today than it ever has in human history. The Church is not “on its way out,” in the sense that the world likes to talk about it. The devil doesn’t like what’s happening. We are in the greatest spiritual struggle around the world. We see colossal forces colliding and this is not the time to be asleep.
Dr. James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family used to share this story: There was a missionary in a remote jungle. One day, the missionary opened the door of his hut and found a gigantic snake in it. I mean, like a boa constrictor or, a python. It was so large, this snake could swallow a pig whole.
The missionary went out to his car to get his revolver. When he checked his gun for bullets, he found only one bullet in the chamber. The missionary then went back inside the hut, carefully aimed for the head of the monstrous snake, pulled the trigger, and hit that snake in the head. Even though the snake was mortally wounded, he did not die right away. When he was shot in the head, he began to writhe and thrash, and his tail was going this way and that way. He literally tore up everything in the hut as he was dying.
Jesus, at Calvary, put that bullet right in Satan’s head. What we see right now are the dead throws of someone who has been mortally wounded by the cross of Jesus Christ. We are in a battle today. However, it’s not that we’re going to win; we have won! There is victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. And that old serpent can twist and writhe and do all that he wants to do, but I thank God that we have the victory in Christ Jesus!
In our series, Living Life From A Heavenly Edge, we have been learning how to pray powerfully for the needs of people. The Apostle Paul, while in the Mamertinum Prison in Rome, is on his knees praying for saints in Ephesus. He intercedes for five powerful prayer points to impact the Ephesian Church. We have been carefully going through these dynamic verses so we can be every effective in our prayers for our friends, colleagues, and family members.
Read the rest in Visionary Coaching