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Living Life From A Heavenly Edge
The key to Living Life From A Heavenly Edge is in discovering who you are in Christ. It is truth that frees us, but what exactly is truth? Truth is whatever God says, and the truth is embodied in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the truth does not free you until you know it. It matters not how true the truth is nor how many wonderful truths there are in the Bible for they will not liberate or set you free until you personally know those truths.
Many Christians do not understand the truth of who they are in Christ and have never really understood their self-image. Since they do not know what they have in Christ, they are never, ever really liberated. The truth is what God says, not what you think or feel about it. It is truth if God says it; but it will never set you free until you know the truth.
When you are able to see that God already loves, despite your faults, failures and foibles, you will never enter into all of the spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Jesus Christ.
Where are you now? In Christ. Where is Christ? Seated in the heavenlies. Where are you? Seated in the heavenlies. What is true about Christ is true about you. He is already enthroned and seated in the heavenlies, and all things are beneath his feet. When you understand Who you are in Christ, you will have a godly personality and an incredible self-image.
You hold in your hand a spiritual roadmap, designed to lift you from the earthly to the heavenly. Living Life From A Heavenly Edge will teach you all you need to know about the holy Believer, heavenly blessings, honorable behavior and horrific battles!
The Faith Book: The Master Key To A Grand Life Of Faith
In The Faith Book: The Master Key To A Grand Life Of Faith, you will learn that we do not live by explanations; we live by faith. Faith is the spiritual steel an concrete of our lives. Even though everyone has problems, yet there is not a problem that does not relate itself someway to with. Where reason cannot wade, faith must swim.
In this power-packed, faith-filled book, Dr. James O. Davis escorts the reader through the hall of fame of faith, featuring twenty-four spiritual giants, who shook their world for God. You will come up close and personal with: Abel, Enoch Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Amram, Jochebed, Moses, Joshua, Rehab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Jephthah, Elijah, David, Samuel and Jesus.
When you read this book, you will be able to answer, “What is faith?” Faith is not blind superstition. Faith is not positive thinking or a feeling of optimism. Faith and optimism may be in some way tangential, but they are not the same. Faith is not a leap in the dark. To the contrary, it is stepping into the light. Faith is not faith in faith.
As you read The Faith Book, you will learn that faith is the confidence that what God hs said s true nd God will perform it. There is no legitimate faith without hope, and there is no legitimate hope without faith. Faith and hope cannot be serrated.
What does with do? It is the only way to live. Faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as seen.
We live in a world that says seeing is believing, but the Bible says believing is seeing.