We read in Philippians 3:1-9: Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of … Continue reading
Millions of people are asking the question: “Who is Jesus Christ?” An untold number of people are in search of Jesus.” A lot of them do not find Him because they are looking in the wrong place. Some time ago, … Continue reading
In this chapter the Apostle Paul is teaching us to live like we are dying. For example, in Philippians 1:20 Paul said, “Whether it be by life or by death.” Then, in verse 21, he said, “For to me to … Continue reading
We know the writer of this passage is none other than the Apostle Paul. He was writing to us about some of the circumstances of his life. It helps us to try to get into his shoes for a little … Continue reading
“This I pray.” Paul’s prayer is my prayer for us. Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. If you have not come to understand that as a believer, I hope this chapter will encourage you to become a … Continue reading
The church of Philippi was greatly involved in the ministry of Paul because they loved him and they believed in what he was doing. Paul had begun this church ten years earlier. In return, Paul wrote this beautiful letter to … Continue reading
The Apostle Paul is writing a letter to the members of the church in the city of Philippi. We found in Acts 16 how this church came into existence, and we saw that there was a nucleus of people he … Continue reading
I want to ask you a question. What would you say that these people have in common: a Jewish philosopher who hates Christ; a New Ager, who has been deep into the occult; a prison guard, whose heart is filled … Continue reading
The last chapter of the book of Acts has been called the last page of the first chapter of the history of the Christian church. It has also been pointed out that the book of Acts concludes with a rather … Continue reading
There are three kinds of people in this world: there are those who are alienated toward Jesus, there are those who are altogether for Jesus, and there are those who are almost to Jesus. There are those who are hardened … Continue reading
I love the twenty-seventh chapter of the book of Acts. I love walking by the ocean. I love this wonderful story because it’s so graphic. As you open the Bible to this chapter you just feel the salt spray in … Continue reading
ORLANDO, Jan. 28, 2022 – The three-day bi-annual Global Church Network’s (GCN) Synergize Conference wrapped yesterday in Orlando, Florida, with more than 650 attendees from 100 denominations and 60 countries. Thousands more from 45-plus nations watched online, and all were … Continue reading
Speakers Challenge Attendees from 60 Nations And 45 plus Nations Online, to Move Forward During These Fearful Days ORLANDO, Jan. 27, 2022 – The biennial Global Church Network’s (GCN) Synergize Conference continued yesterday for its second day with the theme … Continue reading
If your movement is not moving, then it is not a movement; but could be a monument. There are cycles to movements and usually movements overtime become the opposite of what they started out to be. There are cyles in … Continue reading
When Christ was dying on the Cross for the past, present and future sins of the world, He shouted, telelestai, which is translated, “It is finished!” Jesus had completed His divine mission, finishing what He came to the earth to … Continue reading
I have been seriously pondering this global shift that has overtaken the earth in a few short months of time. We have become very comfortable with hearing the word “pandemic.” In the beginning, it was more of a shock and … Continue reading
Do you have trouble with procrastination? I know I do and, starting tomorrow, I’m going do something about it. I believe everyone is plagued with some form of procrastination, but some people have a form of procrastination that is actually … Continue reading
If we practice the normal Christian life, we are going to have normal persecution. Did you know this? If you don’t know it, you’d better learn it. This chapter will help us to know How to Cope with Criticism. Not … Continue reading
I have always enjoyed sunset times. I like the daytime, too, of course. I love the beautiful sunshine, the flowers, the trees, the birds, the leaves and all of the sights and the sounds of the daytime. However, there always … Continue reading
From the 21st chapter of Acts on to the conclusion, we have the series of circumstances which brought the Apostle Paul from the city of Jerusalem to the city of Rome. Paul had a great desire to go to Rome. … Continue reading
The Lord Jesus said on one occasion, “Not my will, but thine be done.” The friends of the Apostle Paul said to him, “the will of the Lord be done.” I wonder if you can say from the very depths … Continue reading
We have now come to part of Apostle Paul’s farewell address to the elders of the church of Ephesus. It is apparent when you read these words that the Apostle Paul dearly loved the church of the Lord. In fact, … Continue reading
The Apostle Paul was revisiting a strategic mission field, the Bible tells us, and as he came to Miletus, he gathered with him the elders of the Ephesian Church. He took the time to walk and talk with them down … Continue reading
Have you ever seen that sign which says, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” The question is—if you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to … Continue reading
Photo Credit: Gripped, The Climbing Magazine, October 29, 2021, Normal Purge Climbing World Highest 14 Peaks In 189 Days I am sure that most of us have come to a time in our lives, when we felt like giving up. … Continue reading
During the 1950s a negative dread swept over Protestant churches, many mainline denominations reported a decline in attendance, membership, and offerings. A newspaper article shocked readers when it announced, “God is Dead.” What else could be the response when nationally … Continue reading
From the little out-of-the-way city of Berea, the Apostle Paul makes a journey of 200 miles to the city of Athens. His companions leave him there and for a period of time, Paul is in Athens alone. He was alone in … Continue reading
Do you know what to do with your Bible? When we read the Bible, we discover how precious the Bible is. “Though its cover is worn, and its pages are torn, and though places bear traces of tears, yet more … Continue reading
We are traveling along with the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey. We move now from the conquest of Philippi to the challenge of Thessalonica. In chapter 17 of the Book of Acts, we have the remarkable ministry of … Continue reading
Everywhere Paul went, there was either a riot or a revival. He either made friends for Christ or foes for Christ. Upon coming to town, Paul did not stay in a penthouse, but often a jailhouse. In Acts chapter 16, … Continue reading
Have you ever been to a building where there’s a bunch of doors, and you didn’t know exactly how to get in? You wondered which door to use to get in? That’s what Acts 15 is all about, when you … Continue reading
Excitement fills the air at the Great Commission Church of Antioch. Paul and Barnabas, the first missionaries, have just returned from their evangelism journey. The Antioch church has been called together to hear about their ministry. This powerful church had … Continue reading
We find in Acts chapter 13, the first recorded full-length sermon of the Apostle Paul. Luke tells us the next Sabbath day came and almost the whole city came together to hear the Word of God. But when the Jews … Continue reading
When we entered Acts chapter 12, we saw that James was dead, Peter was in prison, and the church hiding in prayer. When we leave Acts chapter 12, we witness Peter’s angelic freedom from jail, the church amazed, King Herod … Continue reading
As we preach and teach through the Book of Acts, there is a shout of triumph on every page. The early Church learned how to pray, and they saturated their lives with prayer. God gave them the victory. Now, compare … Continue reading
I am going to give you from God’s Word, three marvelously, wonderful witnesses that will attest that Jesus Christ is the saving Son of God. God does not want us to have to be a question mark with our head … Continue reading