We are going to learn about Christ and the Old Testament. In Acts 10:43, Peter testifies in the household of Cornelius about the Lord Jesus. He says, “to him,” that is to Jesus, “give all the prophets witness.” When he … Continue reading
The blueprint and the pattern for the Normal 21st Century Church are found in that first-century Church. For the Bible says: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all … Continue reading
If Jesus Christ were to meet you face-to- face—literally, bodily, physically were to appear to you, and you had the opportunity to ask Him one question, What would it be? Suppose He said to you, “What do you want to … Continue reading
Is the devil for religion or against religion? Yes, Satan is for religion. He uses religion to oppose the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The devil’s opposition to the “true religion” began in the Garden of Eden. … Continue reading
A sales manager was trying to lift up the vision of some of his sales force. He went into the meeting and he took a piece of white poster board that had one black spot in the middle. He looked … Continue reading
If you are not a lover of winning the lost, then you probably have not been won by the Lord. God had only one Son and He was a foreign missionary. Jesus left a holy place to come to a … Continue reading
Stephen was a remarkable person who became like a fallen star. He brightly burned for God for a short period of time. His death was a disaster to the Church. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit and had an … Continue reading
Dr. Elmer Towns The Global Church Network was the first to announce plans for the 2,000th birthday of the Church. On November 1, 2017, at the graveside of Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer, in Castle Church, Wittenberg, Germany, we committed … Continue reading
I thank the Lord for the power that we have when we stand together. One will chase a thousand; ten will chase ten thousand. We thank God for the power that we have to stand together. However, wait a moment, … Continue reading
Do you find it difficult sometimes to conceive of God as being “with you?” Do you think of God, maybe, as in heaven; maybe peering through the clouds, moving things around on earth, like a man moves checkers when he … Continue reading
There are always pessimists, who see a difficulty in every opportunity. Yet, a Bible Christian sees an opportunity in every difficulty. Every difficulty that came to the early Church was used of God as a springboard, just to cause … Continue reading
The road of the Christian life is filled with crossroads, where we have to make personal and at times profounds that will impact our life and the lives of others for years to come. At some point, all of us … Continue reading
On the Day of Pentecost, three major things happened. First, there was the sending of the Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord came into the house of the meeting and into the hearts of members. The promised had been possessed! … Continue reading
The early New Testament Church was in the blaze of glow of revival. The Church was experiencing an earth-shaking, mountain-moving, devil-drying, soul-saving, holy-healing, and rater-rattling revival. The revival tides were running high, the apostles were preaching with great boldness, and … Continue reading
The early New Testament Church was in the blaze of glow of revival. The Church was experiencing an earth-shaking, mountain-moving, devil-drying, soul-saving, holy-healing, and rater-rattling revival. The revival tides were running high, the apostles were preaching with great boldness, and … Continue reading
In the first three chapters of Acts, God has been marvelously blessing the early Church. They have seen the Savior go up. The Spirit come down. The saints go out. And, the sinners come in. In chapter one, the disciples … Continue reading
We need an epidemic of Pentecostal boldness. We read in Acts 4, verse 13: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: The world is not impressed with our lameness, tameness, and sameness. They desire and deserve to see the Church perform what it proclaims. There was a story about a man who caught a glimpse of the need … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: It has been said, “The Church has been to Calvary for pardon, but not to Pentecost for power.” This is the day for Pentecostal substitutes. Instead of taking the real power of Christ, we were to produce … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: When God began to outpour the Holy Spirit at the turn of the 20th century, there were those who were saying that it would blow over, and they were right. It’s blown all over the world. Did you know where … Continue reading
More than two thousand years ago, Mankind nailed his Maker on a cross of wood. On that horrific day, the devil laughed, the people sneered and the Father turned His back on his Son. Jesus Christ did not … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: The early New Testament church knew that their success in soulwinning depended on the coming and consuming power of the Spirit. In fact, their service, soulwinning, and sermons were done through the Spirit. When Pentecost came, that … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Last week we began looking at the daybreak of faith I have no doubt that the Hebrew writer was thinking of Elijah, when he wrote, “Women received back their dead by resurrection.” One of the most colorful characters … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: I have no doubt that the Hebrew writer was thinking of Elijah, when he wrote, “Women received back their dead by resurrection.” One of the most colorful characters of the Old Testament is Elijah. God used him … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Last week we began looking at the divineness of faith, and went through the first three divine faith lessons. Throughout Hebrews Chapter 11, all of the champions of faith have in common that they heard some particular … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Throughout Hebrews Chapter 11, all of the champions of faith have in common that they heard some particular promise of God; and believing—though acting at times imperfectly—they nevertheless trusted in that promise faithfully and saw God prove … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Last week we began looking at the durability of faith. There is a huge need today for men—real men: men of character, men of integrity, men that will stand, men of strength. Our world is in trouble because … Continue reading
Prayer walking is not about being outside. It is about “drawing near” to places and people in pain; about shining the light and love of God into dark places. It is praying in places where prayer is not common. It … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: There is a huge need today for men—real men: men of character, men of integrity, men that will stand, men of strength. Our world is in trouble because our homes are in trouble, and our homes are in … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Will Christ be the center of your celebration this Christmas season? Are you living for the things that Christ died for? The Christian needs to remember that our joy is because of Jesus, our songs because of our Savior, … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Merry Christmas! As we entered into 2020, many Christian leaders were casting 2020 vision for their local churches, ministries, and organizations. None of us knew that 2020 would be engulfed with a global pandemic. It seems as … Continue reading
Dear Visionary Leader: Last week we began looking at the number one issue in the world. What is the number one issue in the world today? Is it abortion, safe sex, homosexuality, or AIDS? Is it terrorism, ISIS or war? I submit the … Continue reading