Author Archives: billion

FINISH Europe Summit: Day One Press Release

September 4, 2023

Hundreds Will Assemble to Synergize and Mobilize in Order to Finalize the Great Commission by the 2,000th Birthday of the Church ZURICH, September 1, 2023 — To coordinate and apply the collective time, energy and resources of the Global Church to … Continue reading

Pastor Ivano Lai’s Invitation To Finish Line Summit

August 29, 2023

We are looking forward to the FINISH Europe Summit on at the Hyatt Regency at the Zurich International Airport. Pastors and leaders from 39 European nations are traveling to attend this historic summit. We are grateful for the pastors and leaders … Continue reading

Living In The Atmosphere Of Christ: Colossians Series #5

August 9, 2023

Jesus said, “I am the way the truth, and the life.” Jesus claimed to be life. He also said, “I have come that you and I might have life and that we might have it more abundantly.” Jesus said, “If … Continue reading

Top Leadership Lessons Learned From Dr. Bill Bright

July 20, 2023

Twenty years ago today, the late Dr. Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade, graduated for eternity. It is hard to believe that two decades have passed since he departed for his eternal reward. With this 20th anniversary in mind, I … Continue reading

Announcing The CoHosts Of Synergize 2024!

June 29, 2023

You Are Invited To The 2000th Birthday of the Church

June 20, 2023

I write to update you on a powerful story; a revolutionary journey. You are invited to mark your calendars for the Synergize 2030 Conference scheduled for June 9-11, 2030, in Jerusalem, Israel. At Synergize 2030, we will begin celebrating the 2000th Birthday of the … Continue reading

Synergize 2024: Dr. Tim Coalter, General Overseer, Church of God of Prophecy, To Bring A Key Note Message

June 16, 2023

The Billion Soul Harvest Story

June 8, 2023

On a snowy February 18, 2001, at 2:30 in the afternoon, the Holy Spirit whispered to me to call a renowned Christian leader. I immediately called while driving my car home in Springfield, Missouri. “This is James Davis,” I told … Continue reading

The Evangelist & The Great Commission

June 6, 2023

The number one debilitating fear of people is having lived a meaningless life. Do you know what your mission in life is? How can you know if you are making progress unless you have a purpose? The purpose is the … Continue reading

The Synergistic Church: The Answer To Fulfilling the Great Commission

May 16, 2023

At the Synergize 2002 Conference (formerly called Beyond All Limits), we stated that the Church is moving past egos and logos to we go to finish the Great Commission. At the Synergize 2008 Conference, we articulated that a massive missional … Continue reading

Synergize 2024: Dr. Tommy Barnett To Bring A Leadership Keynote!

May 9, 2023

The Five Levels Of Evangelistic Leadership

May 5, 2023

Once a person has settled the issue forever regarding his/her call of God upon their life, then that individual must prepare to become a leader in the church. If you are beginning an evangelistic or pastoral ministry, you must comprehend … Continue reading

The Qualities of Synergistic Leadership

April 20, 2023

We must be something before we do something. People today desire leaders to whom they can relate— those who are real and who serve in humility before Christ; those who are not afraid to reveal their weaknesses, knowing that others … Continue reading

Why Good Friday Is Good?

April 7, 2023

More than two thousand years ago, Mankind nailed his Maker on a cross of wood. On that horrific day, the devil laughed, the people sneered and the Father turned His back on his Son. Jesus Christ did not die and … Continue reading

How to Walk in the Spirit (Colossians Series #3)

April 5, 2023

The Christian life is not so high that you can reach it; it’s so low that you get down to it. An ordinary person who surrendered to the Lord can understand how to live the victorious life. You don’t have … Continue reading

The Kidnappers Are Coming! (Colossians Series #2)

March 28, 2023

In the Western world, there is a mindset that Jesus is not enough. Untold numbers of people believe that people need more than Jesus Christ. In other words, they are not convinced that Jesus is all they need. For many, … Continue reading

The Net Report March 2023: The Latest Global Church Network News

March 21, 2023

The Global Church Network® Synergizing & Mobilizing The Whole Body of Christ To Finalizing The Great Commission The Global Church Network continues to synergize, and mobilize in order to finalize the Great Commission. In the last several weeks, great success … Continue reading

Discovering Your Hidden Treasures (Colossians Series #1)

March 17, 2023

Many years ago, the Spanish Armada was sailing off the coast of Florida. A hurricane struck, and those ships that were laden with millions of dollars in gold and silver ingots went to the bottom, in shallow water. People knew … Continue reading

Your Invited To Join Bobby Schuller & Kathy Branzell Via Zoom

March 6, 2023

We are grateful for the continual growth of the Global Church Network. We are ramping up for Synergize 2024 scheduled for February 14-16, 2024, in Orlando, Florida. On March 30, 2023, we will be hosting a Synergize 2024 Zoom Call … Continue reading

Register For FINISH West Africa Summit

March 2, 2023

More than 200 years ago, Missionary David Livingston’s heart was buried in Africa. In those days, Africa was called the dark continent, but today the largest Christian population on any continent resides there. It is estimated by 2035, that Africa … Continue reading

The Global Church Network Beliefs, Motivation & Invitation

February 25, 2023

Since its inception, the Billion Soul movement and the Global Church Network have centered around pastors and local churches. When we started we often said, “The most important person in every community on earth is not the governor, the congressman, … Continue reading

Mark Your Calendars for the Great Commission Summit!

February 21, 2023

Synergizing Prayer For God Size Results

February 1, 2023

The priority of the minister’s life will determine the power of his or her evangelism. When the biographies of ministers God used in the past are studied, the common denominator of prominence was their priority on prayer. Mighty men and … Continue reading

How To Dress For Stress In 2023

January 20, 2023

For some time, I have been desiring to write about How To Dress for Stress. It is important because most of us, are dealing in these desperate, dangerous days with stress. A machine that runs has what is called revolutions, … Continue reading

The Five Strategic Steps For A Successful 2023

January 2, 2023

 Check out the Global Church Network® Family!

The Conquering Christ of Christmas

December 20, 2022

Will Christ be the center of your celebration this Christmas season? Are you living for the things that Christ died for? The Christian needs to remember that our joy is because of Jesus, our songs because of our Savior, our … Continue reading

Learn How To Meet God At Every Corner In 2023

December 13, 2022

Christmas Greetings! I have been humbled and grateful to serve with distinguished leaders throughout my ministry life. I learned a long time ago that faith is both caught and taught in one’s life. It is true that we are going … Continue reading

The Net Report November 2022: The Latest Global Church Network News

November 28, 2022

The Global Church Network® Synergizing & Mobilizing The Whole Body of Christ Toward The Fulfillment Of The Great Commission The Global Church Network moved in warp speed during the months of October and November 2022. This edition of The Net … Continue reading

The FINISH Asia Summit Powerful Report

I am thrilled to testify to what our magnificent Lord accomplished through the recent FINISH Asia Summit in Manilla, Philippines. Dr. David Sobrepena, Founder of Word Of Hope Church & CoChair/East Asia of the Global Church Network, and I Cohosted … Continue reading

FINISH Asia Summit

October 19, 2022

The FINISH ASIA SUMMIT will convene on November 8-10, 2022. Due to space limitations, only 8 to 10 leaders from each Asian Nation will be able to attend. The registration fee includes meeting resources and catered meals. Leaders will be synergizing and mobilizing the Body of … Continue reading

What a FINISH Great Commission Will Look Like Part 3

October 5, 2022

It takes two wings to fly. A one-winged bird will never get off the ground nor will a one-winged sermon. Sermons must have two wings—style and substance. In this generation, we must be online and on-ground. We must create the … Continue reading

How The Great Commission Will Be Completed Part 2

September 29, 2022

We are beginning to understand that those who are not networking will eventually not be working. We are moving from consumers to contributors. Instead of asking what we will get out of it, we are asking what we can sow … Continue reading

Why & How The Great Commission Will Be Completed Part 1

September 23, 2022

In the summer of 2015, Dr. Leonard Sweet, renowned author, futurist, and a leading evangelical, and Dr. James O. Davis, founder of Cutting Edge International and Global Church Network, were conversing on the phone regarding the future. During the conversation, … Continue reading

According To God’s Riches In Glory: Philippians Series #21

September 8, 2022

These final words of Paul, to his beloved Philippian church, form a thank you to them for the gift that they had sent to him. The church at Philippi was greatly loved by the Apostle Paul. I think it is … Continue reading

How To Heal A Church Fight: Philippian Series #20

September 6, 2022

Are you a contented person? If you have contentment, you have a great treasure. It has been said that contentment softens our privations, sweetens our provisions, and makes a cottage as fair as a castle. People are looking for contentment. … Continue reading

How To Heal A Church Fight: Philippian Series #19

August 23, 2022

All the way through the book of Philippians, there is the fragrance of love between Paul and this church. Every time he thinks about this church, his heart is filled with joy. In the first chapter, for instance, in verses … Continue reading

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